Brain Coral

Like many of Crown’s in-depth studies, her BRAIN CORAL paintings began with a close examination of an object, in this case a piece of brain coral that she had received as a gift. The artist scanned a section of the  cerebral-looking marine organism at high resolution so she could zoom in to investigate the grooves, folds, tubes, and channels on its surface. A 3D printed model of the coral patterning led her to create stamps,  which she then applied to paint and canvas.

In the process, Crown discovered new worlds within these intricate structures. She is constantly in search of ways to help us expand our knowledge, to do a deep dive, and to seek out the essential nature of our surroundings. Crown believes we all stand on sacred ground, but to notice and appreciate its beauty requires awareness. Afternoon shadows, a pattern on the sidewalk, a paper’s edge are all open for admiration. That is how we want to live–open to all possibilities.

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